PreporukaMuzikaWaters Caveu: “Ne idi”

Waters Caveu: “Ne idi”

Članovi pokreta Artists for Palestine UK poslali su Caveu pismo u kojem ga mole da ne održi koncert u Izraelu sve dok traje apartheid.

Isto pismo poslali su Radioheadu prije njihovog koncerta u Tel Avivu moleći ih da još jednom razmisle o tom nastupu. Radiohead je ipak održao koncert koji je ubrzo postao najkontroverzniji koncert njihove karijere.

BDS (Boycott, Divestement and Sanctions) pokret započeo je 2005. i cilj mu je potpuni kulturni bojkot Izraela sve dok Palestinci ne dobe svoje pravo na povratak. Dok su Gorillaz, Elvis Costello, Lana Del Rey i drugi otkazali svoje koncerte, brojni izvođači ignoriraju ovaj pokret.

Roger Waters, Thurston Moore, Ken Loach, Mike Leigh i Julie Christie samo su neki koji podupiru pokret i koji se spominju u pismu. U pismu se također citirali Noama Chomskog koji se izjasnio da je protiv svakog nastupa koji zataškava kršenje palestinskih ljudskih prava.

Waters je također dao svoju izjavu u kojoj kaže:

“I wonder if Nick and Bryan [Adams, scheduled to play Tel Aviv December 4 and 5, and Jerusalem December 6] and Thom Yorke and the rest of these guys were to spend even a day or two in administrative detention [without charge or trial], or even once have their kids woken and arrested in the middle of the night, or, or, or……whether they would still ignore the screams of the victims and the desperate pleas for help from Palestinian civil society, whether they would still cross the picket line. … You can either heed the cry, respect your brothers’ and sisters’ picket line and stand with them in their struggle for the basic human rights we all take for granted, or you can turn your backs on them, take the shilling, and entertain their lords and masters at the banquets and balls.” (Artist For Palestine UK) 

Watersu kontrira Thom Yorke iz Radioheada koji se ne slaže s pokretom ni s kritikama nakon odsviranog koncerta:

„There are people I admire [who have been critical of the concert] like [English film director] Ken Loach, who I would never dream of telling where to work or what to do or think. The kind of dialogue that they want to engage in is one that’s black or white. I have a problem with that. It’s deeply distressing that they choose to, rather than engage with us personally, throw shit at us in public. It’s deeply disrespectful to assume that we’re either being misinformed or that we’re so retarded we can’t make these decisions ourselves.“ (Rolling Stone)

Cave bi trebao nastupiti 19. i 20. studenog u Menorah areni u Tel Avivu, a o razvitku čitave situacije i koncertu sigurno ćemo još čuti. /

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